Svetlana is in the first two pictures. She is a wonderful woman! She has been attended her branch for 13 years but unable to join the church because her husband was against it. She honored her husband's wishes. A few weeks ago she awoke from a dream that her deceased parents were waiting for her to be baptized for them in the temple and then have them sealed together for all Eternity. She went downstairs in tears and explained her dream to her husband. It moved him so much so that he told her she could join the Church.
She is a valiant woman and shares Christ light to others. She has also given free yoga/pilates classes for the last 4 years to sisters in the area (in which I've taken advantage of and love it).
Nearly her whole branch showed up for her baptism show full support.
The last photo is a young man from Nigeria named Markus. He had heard the gospel from a couple of missionaries about 3 years ago but declined to hear further messages from them. He was catholic and felt he needed to keep that faith.
He explained that when the missionaries ran into some friends of his on the street corner that he was excited to see them because he had regretted not continuing the lessons. He had been confused about a lot of teachings from his church and what little teachings he had from the missionaries 3 years prior made an impact and he wanted to learn more.
There are several brothers from Nigeria and other parts of Africa attending the university here that have joined the Church. They are POWERFUL witnesses of Christ. In their actions and teaching.
Gospel life here has changed us forever. We have become more closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the restored Gospel.
We testify that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's Church and all the Priesthood keys have been restored to the earth so all of God's children can know the fullness of Christ's teachings. We Love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and know that through Prayer, Scripture Study and the teachings of the Prophets their divine Love for us is unwaivering. They will always Love us and help us to know how to return to live with Them after this life. They provide the Gift of the Holy Ghost to lead and guide us to happiness, peace and safety from this world of turmoil.
Websites to know more:
Wonderful messages can be found on YouTube under MormonMessages
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